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Indiana Diaper Bank

Yorktown Public Library is a drop off location for Indiana Diaper Bank. Indiana Diaper Bank empowers families in Indiana by providing a reliable and adequate supply of diapering essentials.

A happy baby holding a diaper, sitting amid a pile of diapers, with a bright background.

The Facts About Diapers:

  • 1 in 2 families in Indiana struggle to afford diapers
  • Diapers cost $100 a month per child
  • No government programs help cover the cost of diapers
  • 57% of parents missed work because they didn't have diapers to send to daycare

What Can You Donate?

Indiana Diaper Bank accepts new AND opened packages of diapers and pullups. If, for example, your child has moved up a size and you have leftover diapers, you can donate the open box/package! You may bring them in ziplock bags, plastic bags, or loose. They will take it all! Indiana Diaper Bank also accepts donations of unopened packages of wipes and diaper creams.

Drop off your donations in the bin in the library's lobby anytime we're open.

How Diapers Get to Families in Need​:

  • People like you and community organizations donate diapers to Indiana Diaper Bank. If you donate money, Indiana Diaper Bank will purchase the diapers (for every one diaper purchased at retail, they can purchase four!).
  • Volunteers re-wrap diapers for distribution.​
  • Indiana Diaper Bank supplies diapers to their distribution partners throughout Indiana.
  • Their distribution partners give diapers to families in need.​
Three smiling babies in diapers interacting with each other.

Clean diapers = happy, healthy babies!

Colorful logo for "Indiana Diaper Bank" with a rainbow design.

Learn more about Indiana Diaper Bank by visiting

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