Farewell, Alisha!
At the end of this week, we will be saying farewell to Adult and Teen Programming Librarian, Alisha Hughey. We are sad to see her go, and wish her nothing but the best as she embarks on a new adventure with Anderson Public Library.
Alisha created many wonderful programs at YPL for our adult and teen patrons, including both of our book clubs, Fiber Arts Club, Crafternoon, Walking Club, Short Film Club, Kitchen Chronicles, Seed Library and more! She also brought back our Teen Advisory Board and ran both Teen Scene and Teen Culinary Club.
While many of the programs above have ended for the season or are ending for the season this week, Fiber Arts Club and Walking Club will not be continuing through May as originally planned. We appreciate your understanding.
Alisha's last program at YPL will be our upcoming Bridgerton Tea Party, so if you will be in attendance this Saturday, May 11 be sure to wish her a fond farewell!
Good luck, Alisha! Anderson will be lucky to have you on board!

"I would like to thank the staff and patrons of the Yorktown Public Library for making my years here so fun. I can't wait to see all of the amazing things this staff has planned for the future! I'm proud of you!"Alisha Hughey